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Steel bar truss welding welding effect will be affected by what reason


In the welding process of steel bar truss welding machine, if there is no attention, there will always be some factors to influence the final welding results. Then what factors affect the final effect, the following is for this problem for people to do a simple introduction, hope to bring help to people.
First, there is the right way to proceed with the installation: once steel truss welding in installation did not pay attention to, or is installed wrong, when the welding will appear all sorts of change, so from the point of view of the installation effect with final welding effect of relations.

Second, did not use the correct method to use: because the equipment in the overall structure is more complex, so many people in the operation of the time there is a problem. Therefore, from the perspective of the operation, if people did not use the method to welding, will inevitably affect the final use of the effect, so to ensure the welding effect needs to ensure the correct operation.

Third, reinforced quality problems: effect of steel truss welding machine welding effect with the material also has a relationship, through the quality of reinforced existing problems, the accuracy is not enough when the welding will influence the final welding effect, so welding reinforced precision is people should pay attention to.

Fourth, excessive friction caused by the operation of the steel bar truss welding machine in operation, there is too much friction, which will inevitably affect the final welding effect, so the operation of the time to try to avoid friction appear.

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